Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bye-Bye concentrated milk and vodka

I was reading in The Economist that non-Europeans who take the plane and have to make connections inside the European Union are upset because they are not aware of the new retsrictions that apply to liquids.
"The Russians get so angry that they drink a bottle of vodka on the spot," said Edgar Engert, spokesman for Munich's airport operator.
It's not only about non-Europeans. While I was packing for my last flight back to Montreal, my mum placed a huge tube of concentrated milk in my backpack. We had been careful to put the wine, cheese and other treats in my suitcase but in a moment of absence none of us realized that the milk would not end up in my belly, but in an aiport's garbage. Or in a security officer's belly, I'll never know. I'm still drooling over the thought of the tube.
As for the restrictions, nobody knows if they actually helped reduce the risks of a terrorist attack, no study has been done on the subject so far. And sales in duty-free shops have fallen by 40%, still according to the article.


Julie Delporte said...

La dernière fois que j'ai pris l'avion pour Paris, j'étais malade (je ne vous rappellerais pas comment, la personne qui écrit ce blog) s'en souviendra bien ! DOnc, j'avais avec moi mes médicaments, dont une choses liquide. Eh ben mon dieu quelle affaire, ils ont fait des tests sur le contenu de la bouteille, et au mois 6 personnes sont venues me demander ce que j'avais... Puis moi je tenais même plus sur mes jambes !

Flavie said...

J'ai halluciné, ils m'ont aussi passé mon ordinateur et ma carte d'embarquement au plumeau pour voir s'il n'y avait pas de produits chimiques dessus... C'est marrant ils te foutente le plumeau dans une petite machine et hop deux secondes après ça te dit si t'es un terroriste ou pas (je vais me faire épingler par les services secrets à force d'écrire le mot terroriste moi. Ben tiens pour la peine, encore un pour la route, terroriste.)
En tout cas je dois dire que je m'en souviens bien, de l'état dans lequel t'étais!

Cryptisemita said...

Suddenly, I feel like sucking back a quart of condensed milk and a screwdriver...

To leave a comment on your blog, one is required to type in a word verification...this is to prevent bots and such from pirating the system, that I understand. But I don't see why it has to get nasty about it...I've printed the screen into a jpeg for you...check out the word verification...it looks like some of the guys who run the computers for airport security read your blog, and may be a bit upset about it. post it if you would like.

Cryptisemita said...

well, I can't find your email
I'll send the jpeg to Goiles...

Flavie said...

It does get kind of weird sometimes, but I just tried and it was fine... Maybe they realized they got caught!

Cryptisemita said...

yah, but wait till you see the jpeg...

Cryptisemita said...

Flav, go to my site to see the screenshot...I swear to you it was like that...