Thursday, April 5, 2007

Aux armes.

Battles played last night at la Sala Rossa. In spite of my extended tiredness, I thought it was something big (this is incomprehensible I know, but I'm still tired) and I nominate "Atlas" in the category "Tunes to take with your breakfast during the exam period" for the Big Lady Music Awards (which ceremony is gonna take place whenever I will decide. Please send in your suggestions as to the categories you wish to be represented.)

Battles the website
Battles on MySpace


Cryptisemita said...

Tunes to psyche you up before going to divorce court

Tunes to do your taxes (a.k.a. Laxative tunes)

Tunes to listen to in the delivery room (before and after administering of epidural)
………………………………………...(cesarean version)

Tunes to play once nuclear war has been declared

Tunes to break up with someone (tactful version)
………………………………….(cruel version)
………………………………….(reverse psychology version)

Tunes with which to wake up your hung-over unconscious teenager after trying for the past half hour without success and he’ll be late for school again, and you’ll be inundated with calls from his principal who practically blames you every time the boy sneezes or coughs or raises a metaphoric middle finger to the faculty but there is no more time to spend shaking him awake because your lift to work has arrived and is honking incessantly outside your door causing the neighbors to wish you harm

Anonymous said...

Et tu prévois quoi pour récompenser les heureux gagnants?... Des minis-toi en or massif en train de faire ta tête de mérou????

Anonymous said...

corps. Enfin, le dernier soin, Davines Authentique Beurre Régénérant visage/cheveux/corps, s’utilise comme traitement pré-shampooing sur les cheveux secs et formelle Robes comme crème très nourrissante pour le visage et le corps.Et une chose est sûre, elle n'a pas froid aux yeux. Avec une emploi du temps très chargé, elle Robes mariage multiplie les activités pour présenter toutes ses facettes. Une polyvalence qui n'était pas si évidente que cela il y a quelques années. "Je ne me sens pas budget Robes